Sunday, September 27, 2009

Shopping Down Under

We've learnt a lot about shopping whilst we have been here in Australia. And it is a whole different experience from shopping in the States. For instance, you can buy your "Horse Poo" and Eggs at the same location.
Live chickens are readily available at the market.
As are fresh local fruits and vegetables.

With rows and rows of vendors selling their wares you can always find great produce. Active bartering is encouraged so you can usually find a good deal as well.

The mystery meat shop, fish monger, and butcher provide the protein. The meat is always really good, especially the fish. But the smells coming out of these places can be a little bit sketchy.

One thing we still can't get over is the fact that at the supermarket the milk and eggs are not refrigerated...
...whilst the dog food is. Very strange.

Finally, from the "Australians do this better file" we have the "travelator". Like an escalator but without the steps. These are very convenient when you need to change levels with a shopping cart. The shopping carts are even designed so that they don't roll when going up or down a travelator.


Sarah said...

I love Jared's look in this one. He looks thrilled to be shopping. And I don't know about those meat shops - especially after your experience with chicken.

Sheralie said...

Wow. Great pictures. Pretty similar to here . . .the milk and eggs kills me too. But we need that travelator because I have to avoid half of the grocery stores since I can't figure out how to get children plus groceries up the escalator!

tamara said...

I'd love to be able to easily access fresh produce, meats, etc. like that. Don't know what I'd need the poo for, though ;-)

Leone Fabre said...

From the image of the milk, it looks like it's long life milk, so won't need refrigeration.

"Fresh" milk in Australia is always in the refrigerator section.

In Indonesia I find it strange that they store the long life milk in the refrigerator .... and here in Singapore the eggs sit on the non refrigerated shelves too.

Great to see the images of the market ..... maybe the 'smells' are not what you are used too, but it sure looks mighty tasty to me. :-)

I miss those great markets of Australia.

Melanie said...

I was wondering the same thing as Sarah....are you still avoiding chicken?? Shopping sounds like quite an experience, you're going to be awfully bored coming back to the states to our boring grocery stores!