Thursday, November 13, 2008

Jared's Love

He will be so sad when I take them away next week. Actually, John and I will be so sad, we love pacifiers as well, but for entirely different reasons! At least we let him keep his blanket.


Kamilli Vanilli said...

Good luck with that! Always a fabulous transition!

Terri Kofoed said...

So Cute, So Good, So hard to beak their heart!

Melanie said...

He is so stinkin' cute, I miss the little man. Is it your goal to break him of this before his 2nd birthday??

~Jason and Heidi~ said...

We love Binkies here at our house too. They were even forced upon some when we would travel by airplane. Good luck with the transition period. My sister would cut the nipple and when they went to suck on it say "it's broken" and have them throw it away. It worked for her. Just a thought.

tamara said...

I feel for you! I've only had one (my last) NOT take a pacifier. Colton, on the other hand, had it an embarrassingly long time. For some inexplicable reason, he always referred to it as his "me" *shrug*

Anonymous said...

Let the boy alone! Connor had his "binko" until he was 5 and he turned out alright! Well, it was embarassing and it was a horrible transition because of his age....their were the stares and akward conversations as to why other kids called him a baby...hmmm...well, maybe advice from me in this area should be left alone...

Kati said...

We took away Haleigh's bink a few months ago. It wasn't nearly as hard as I expected. Hopefully it won't be too painful! She sometimes will say "Binky gone?" I guess just to make sure she isn't missing out on something?
Good Luck!

Kim Chapman said...

Look at that little blondie! Oh, I do love the binky!

beckyc said...

Poor mom and dad...Make sure Jared hasn't got any hidden stash if he has to go cold turkey. He is a very intelligent little boy. Can't you tell by that twinkle in his eyes? It won't hurt to go over 2 will it?