Friday, July 10, 2009

Only in Australia

We expected to see this sign in Queensland where there are loads of jellyfish, including a microscopic one (Irukandji) whose sting is lethal. We only wish they would update the sign with a man wearing board shorts instead of a budgie (Speedo). Anything that can be done to discourage the public use of budgies is encouraged.
We were also not surprised to see this sign. What was surprising is that you only see these signs where there are Salt Water Crocodiles. Areas that only have "freshies" don't warrant these signs as "they are not very aggressive unless they are really hungry."
We were thrilled to see this large Barramundi edifice, because you can never see too many giant animals perched on top of buildings. Barramundi, also known as Australian Sea Bass, has become one of our favourite fish to eat.

But by far, our favorite sign of the entire trip is this speed bump sign which we spotted in Cape Tribulation. Cassowaries are an endangered species that are only found in far north Queensland and in New Guinea.

Although we didn't see any cassowaries in the wild, we saw this one at Hartley's Creek Crocodile Farm. Like most of the animals in Queensland (crocodiles, sharks, jellyfish, etc.), the cassowary can also be lethal to humans. It doesn't happen often, but this bird has been known to attack and kill people with its beak and sharp talons.


Panda Queen said...

The speedo sign is hilarious, and YIKES about the crocidiles!!

(and by the way, I've been DYING to see a platypus on your blog! If you see one, please post about it! :D)

Kamilli Vanilli said...

Bather?....that looks like a thong!

Tami said...

I saw a funny sign driving from Texas to VA, a farm sign that read Fat Chance. I thought of you and your blog! So much fun!