Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Cape Tribulation

The only way to get to Cape Tribulation is to cross the Daintree River by way of a cable ferry. The ferry runs continuously back and forth across the river. On the bank of the river John and the kids saw mudskippers which are only found here and in parts of Southeast Asia. They are amphibious fish that use their fins to walk on land.
Photo courtesy of
We drove quickly along the route to make it up to the beach which was spectacular. The foliage was green and dense, the beach was beautiful and nearly deserted.
This huge spider drew a lot of attention. It was enormous.
Sunset from the ferry. What a glorious day full of beauty and amazing things.


Olsens R Us said...

Okay, you have nearly convinced me it might be worth moving to this gorgeous place one of these days! What an adventure you are having! I love your posts- I'm living vicariously!

miss ya,

Tristan said...

Wow, Does John ever work? I am very envious of the beautiful places you guys have visited. What a once in a lifetime opportunity!

Melanie said...

This is a great post except for the spider aracnaphobia is alive & well.

~Jason and Heidi~ said...

That spider is disgusting. Yuck. But, Jason and I are always taking about Fiji. Your photos are awesome. Love all the fun things your family is doing together. You look fantastic. But, I don't envy your traveling with kids. Been there and done that. Yikes. Especially long plane rides.