On our way home from Kangaroo Valley we stayed in
Goulburn (middle of nowhere) for a night. And right there off the side of the road in the middle of nowhere is this random 5 story high Ram monument, the kids insisted that we take a picture. Seems kind of strange right? The interesting thing is that these massive animal monuments are actually fairly common and apparently pretty popular
among the locals. They build these monuments in small towns, put a little gift shop in the base of them and somehow they become tourist attractions. We know of monuments to the kangaroo, wombat, wallaby,
platypus, koala, shark and even a giant earth worm (Australia has an earth worm that can grow up to 15 feet long, I guess a 15 foot worm probably does deserve a monument).
Could you PLEASE take a picture of the platypus monument? Or a platypus at all? : D
Platypusses (platypi?) are my second favorite animal after pandas! I love them!
I would actually like for you to bring home a 15ft worm. If I saw that on the side of the road I would freak out. You, on the other hand, would calmly pick it up and fling it out of the way just like the little garden snakes here.
p.s. Amanda Egan makes me laugh. I think because it gives me glimpses of what my Brooklyn will be like at 14.
I love all your unique Australia pictures....it's fun to explore the land down under through your family's eyes. I think my hubby will like this picture since he is such a big RAMS fan, although that's a bit different than a fan of big RAMS right?? :)
That's the oddest picture I've seen thus far. A cross between a ram and Chewbacca.
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